Polish Language Learning

Learn Polish with 'Toss a Coin to Your Witcher' Song

Jaroslaw Weber
#polish#language learning#song lyrics#vocabulary#the witcher

This post will help you learn Polish using the song “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” from The Witcher. You’ll find the Polish lyrics, English translations, and some vocabulary flashcards. It’s a fun way to practice Polish, even if you’re just starting to learn the language.

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher (Polish to English Translation)

Polish Lyrics with English Translation

Tę balladę wam śpiewa
This ballad is sung to you

Skromny bard,
By a humble bard,

Co z Geraltem z Rivii
Who with Geralt of Rivia

Wyruszył na szlak
Set out on the trail.

Diaboła spotkał tam,
He met a devil there,

Szukał z nim zwady,
Looking for trouble with him,

Z elfów hufcami
With bands of elves,

Urządzał biesiady
He held feasts.

Pochwycili mnie,
They captured me,

Podstępem, no bo jak!
By trickery, of course!

Zniszczyli mi lutnię,
They destroyed my lute,

Skopali jak psa!
Kicked me like a dog!

Ciała nasze dźgał
Our bodies were stabbed

Ten rogaty stwór,
By that horned beast,

Zapłakał nasz wiedźmin,
Our witcher cried,

“Mam dosyć już!"
"I’ve had enough!”

Grosza daj Wiedźminowi,
Toss a coin to your witcher,

Sakiewką potrząśnij,
Shake your purse,

Sakiewką potrząśnij,
Shake your purse,

Ło, o, o!
Whoa, oh, oh!

Grosza daj Wiedźminowi,
Toss a coin to your witcher,

Sakiewką potrząśnij!
Shake your purse!

Lecz chwycił Biały Wilk,
But the White Wolf grabbed,

Za morderczy róg,
The murderous horn,

Co tylu już przed nim
That had felled so many before him,

Obalił był z nóg
Knocking them to the ground.

Elfy cisnął precz,
He cast the elves aside,

Aż na górski szczyt,
Up to the mountain peak,

Daleko od ludzi,
Far away from people,

Gdzie miejsce ich
Where they belong.

Choć oberwał sam
Though he was struck himself,

Zmiażdżył bestii kark,
He crushed the beast’s neck.

Ten obrońca ludzkości,
This defender of mankind

Toastu jest wart
Is worth a toast.

Oto moja pieśń,
This is my song,

To wasz bohater jest,
This is your hero,

On wrogów pokonał,
He defeated the foes,

Nalejcie mu więc!
So pour him a drink!

Grosza daj Wiedźminowi,
Toss a coin to your witcher,

Sakiewką potrząśnij,
Shake your purse,

Sakiewką potrząśnij,
Shake your purse,

Ło, o, o!
Whoa, oh, oh!

Grosza daj Wiedźminowi,
Toss a coin to your witcher,

Obrońcy ludzkości!
Defender of mankind!

Grosza daj Wiedźminowi,
Toss a coin to your witcher,

Sakiewką potrząśnij,
Shake your purse,

Sakiewką potrząśnij,
Shake your purse,

Ło, o, o!
Whoa, oh, oh!

Grosza daj Wiedźminowi,
Toss a coin to your witcher,

Obrońcy ludzkości!
Defender of mankind!

Printable Vocabulary Flashcards

To help you learn the key Polish words from “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher,” we’ve created a set of printable flashcards. These flashcards feature the most important vocabulary used in the song, making it easier for you to memorize and practice.

How to use the flashcards:

  1. Print the PDF file (double-sided)
  2. Cut out each flashcard
  3. Practice by reviewing cards that you don’t know well!

Tip: For best results, review the flashcards regularly and try to use the words in sentences to reinforce your learning.


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